When it comes to footing for horse arenas, there are lots of different options. Depending on the type of surface and conditions that you will be training or racing on, different types of footing will be more or less suitable for your needs. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and knowing what each type of footing is will help you make an informed decision when choosing the right type of surface for your horse arena.There are three main types of footing used in horse arenas: sand, dirt and synthetic. Each one has its own unique properties that make it suitable for certain conditions and uses. Read on to learn more about each type of footing below:


Sand footing is a naturally occurring substance found in beaches, deserts and riverbeds. It is made up of tiny particles of sand, which makes it very porous and able to absorb a lot of water. This makes it a great surface for outdoor areas that are subject to heavy rainfall or flooding.Sand is a very forgiving surface, and it can be modified to suit almost any use. It is also very lightweight and easy to transport, which makes it ideal for temporary outdoor arenas.Sand is also an excellent surface for indoor arenas, especially during the winter months. It is non-toxic and non-abrasive, making it a very safe surface for horses to train on.


Dirt is a naturally occurring substance found in fields, pastures and other open, unpaved areas. Dirt is made up of organic materials such as clay, sand, pebbles, and plant matter. It is a very porous surface that can retain water and nutrients. Dirt is a very versatile surface, and it can be modified to suit almost any purpose.Dirt is a very forgiving surface, and it can be modified to suit almost any use. It is also very lightweight and easy to transport, which makes it ideal for temporary outdoor arenas.Dirt is also an excellent surface for indoor arenas, especially during the winter months. It is non-toxic and non-abrasive, making it a very safe surface for horses to train on.


Synthetic footing is a synthetic material made to look and function like natural materials such as sand, dirt and clay. It is a very durable surface that is often used for outdoor arenas.Synthetic footing is very durable and can last for many years. It is also very lightweight and easy to transport, which makes it ideal for temporary outdoor arenas.Synthetic footing is also an excellent surface for indoor arenas, especially during the winter months. It is non-toxic and non-abrasive, making it a very safe surface for horses to train on.


When it comes to footing for horse arenas, there are lots of different options. Depending on the type of surface and conditions that you will be training or racing on, different types of footing will be more or less suitable for your needs. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and knowing what each type of footing is will help you make an informed decision when choosing the right type of surface for your horse arena.

Frequently Asked Question

The best surface for a horse arena is sand. The sand should be a medium, to coarse, sharp sand that has been cleaned (washed) so it becomes less compacted over time and give off less dust
Olympic Equestrian Arena surfaces tend to be made up of sand with a small percentage of polyester textile fibres.
Normally 8 - 12 centimeters of fine sand combined with a small amount of textile fibres and a sand additive will be sufficient for dressage or show jumping.
Olympic Equestrian Arena surfaces tend to be made up of sand with a small percentage of polyester textile fibres.